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An Uncompromising attitude 

Daniel 1:8 – ” But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself

Everyone wants that God should use me. Every year, so many students join Bible college ,few never complete. And those who complete, half of them never serve God. Only few does the great work of God.

And we may easily say, many are called, but few are chosen. So the question is are really chosen people serving God. Important question.
So Is God choosy? Or where is the problem? why only few? why not all?
When a person is unable to serve God we say that probably it was not God’s will. Is it true. These things are really very serious,it needs a lot of attention.

So what happened in their journey? why many couldn’t complete.
One word that could define all of this is a Compromising attitude. Many people in the world are compromising with the things of God and are unable to serve the Lord.

We are disappointed at our lives and also about not reaching out to others. Our lives become so dull and meaningless at times that we want to be out of this Christianity & God business.

And then we question, Is God really real, does He exist, Is He still a miracle working God, Is he the one who can change situations?
The answer is we see God as the one who is wish fulfiller, we don’t desire to have personal relationship with Him, We pray to Him but at times behave in such manner that we have nothing to do with Him. And we try to please ourselves in small things, little little things and after a while we reach to such a state, where there is no way forward, no direction. We are trapped.

And in little little things we compromise.


It means settling for something which was not intended, or settling for something less. Compromising in small things and ending up in a big disaster.
Little, small things are so many times taken for granted. It is done with the least interest, given the last place. Let it not be our attitude about the things of God.
Compromising with things of God is very easy and seems only way at times. But not compromising will take courage and boldness. It will take strict determination and desire to please God.
But There was a person who had a choice to compromise with the things of God, but He did not, He had a choice to please Himself but instead He pleased God
there was a choice for him to relax but God’s law was weighing in His heart.
There was no one to watch over him, yet He was found honouring God.
Those small compromise didn’t happen because He had an awe and reverence for God in his heart.
And that man was Daniel-A young man probably a teenager,taken from Jerusalem to Babylon as a Captive in the reign of king Nebudkudnezar. Daniel’s introduction shows He was a daring person, When presented with the best food and best wine. He rejected that food. He did not sit there believing on his fate and blaming God, why should I please God, it is because of Him I am in captivity. He would have even said to himself, Oh I am a captive who will listen to me? They might punish me, or what if my life will be danger?

1. God’s presence was with Daniel When He did not compromise in small things
This thing about food looked so small and negligible. This wouldn’t have bothered him so much. Then why Daniel said no, the reason is that this food was offered to the pagan gods and then brought to serve. And also it had a pork meat, which God forbid the hebrews to eat. And this teenager, in that tender age where temptations are prominent, where giving in is so easy. He determined in his heart not to defile Himself, He raised a standard against the trick of the enemy.

1. His determination gave courage to the three other hebrew young men

2. When we want to do something to please and obey God, God will stand for us(v. 14) God made Daniel to find favour. favour belongs to God and not from men.

3. When you take a stand for God, God will stand for you. So Stand & honour God first.

4. A teenager demanding to the Chief official, God alone gives wisdom. God gave wisdom to Daniel to speak.

5. God takes care when you want to please Him(v.15)

6. When you desire God more than anything(v.16) Rules and regulations of the kingdom will change for you- When I was saved,I was passionate for serving God and still I am, there was a meeting in the Church, and they needed volunteers to serve water bottles and some biscuits and in arrangement of the food. This was the ministry. And it would sound so small thing. The next day I had final exam for graduation, but still i gave my name for volunteer because I wanted to serve God, I really desired to give my time and show my love to him by serving others. So that day was over and i was happy that I could be the part of ministry. But as i reached home, i was tensed that now how will the exam go. I studied for a while and then prayed a small prayer saying God if its your will please let the exam cancel, otherwise I am ready for exam. But i especially stressed on the cancelling part. The next day I reached in the centre, It was a University exam and there were almost 200 students writing the exam. But on that day, everyone was standing out. And soon it was declared that today’s exam is postponed. Everyone was perplexed that what happened. But I knew in my heart that it postponed because I
prayed. Our God can change rules and regulations.

7. When God is priority for you, God will bless you more than everyone else.

8. God blessed them in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm. (v.18)

It all happened because in smallest of smallest thing, they did not compromise. God doesn’t have favourite but sometimes our love,our desire, our stern passion for Him, can draw Him so near to us. God loves everyone, still there will be few who have been experiencing God so close and in every step you find favour, Grace, everything available. It is because, you draw him near.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.James 4:8. There is something in the lives of people who don’t compromise, that God cant wait to be with them.

Daniel’s life shows he was filled with the Holy spirit.Without Holy Spirit,He wouldn’t have done anything by himself.

2. God’s presence when He stood before the king
We know the king was an angry King. And He got a dream. And none was able to comprehend his dream.

God blessed Daniel with the understanding of all kinds of dream & visions, God gave Daniel everything that would be required for Him to be near king.

The place where he did not compromise, God gave him a bigger position.
This is not a ministry job, this is a secular job but the one who loves God, they will honour God everywhere they are.

Daniel would have got pride standing with the King. But this man knew that God alone is the reason that He is standing. He alone is the one who has exalted me. Whatever position we get, we should always acknowledge God and know deep in our hearts that He is the reason that I stand.

God’s presence in Daniel’s life amazed the king and the kingdom. He was not a religious man, he was a sincere man. He knew what it means to be a Man of God in this hostile place. He would have got various types of temptation but through Holy spirit, He practised Self control.

Those who honor me I will honor them-1 Samuel 2:30.

1. His uncompromising attitude gave him position
2. His uncompromising attitude gave him favour before all the kingdom.
3. His uncompromising attitude made the king to praise and exalt the God of Daniel.
4. His uncompromising attitude made a way for His friends to have position.
5. When you want to honer God wherever you are you will be the head and not the tail.

3. God’s presence in the lion’s Den

    • Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.(6:3)
    • The people who want to please God and walk in His ways,God plans for them. He puts His thoughts in King’s mind. Now king has many affairs, He has to take many decisions,check all the work of the kingdom. Instead of thinking about all those things,he is thinking about a man Daniel, instead of making his people an administrator,he is appointing a hebrew man.
    • There were few people who were behind His position and were jealous because of the favour that he found with the king.
    • Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.”(6:5)
    • (10)- He knew that King had signed an order. He didn’t go to pray with an attitude that king is good to me and i will be free from judgement. He would have said to himself, whatever happens, I need to go and pray. I cannot compromise. I will pray. And if anything happens My God will rescue me. I don’t need King’s favour, I need my God’s favour.

At one side , God made a plan for Him and on the other side enemy made a plan of destruction for Him.

    • vs. 11-12- Here, He is found by the accusers. The enemy is always searching for an opportunity to catch you and his plan is to destroy you.

when we live an uncompromising life, we have to pay a price. but it all starts with small thing. Daniel learned, I don’t want to please people, I want to please my God.

I didn’t compromise with food, nor i compromised with my greater position and now I will not compromising in worshipping my God.

    • The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!”(6:16)-
      We know He was throw in the den and brought out of the den without any hurt.
    • Daniel’s faith was testified by the unbelieving king.
      Why all this happened in Daniel’s life. Because he chose not to compromise in the smallest affair like food. Today God looks at you with great interest especially at that smallest thing in which you are compromising. Be Bold and courageous like Daniel. Honour and respect Him in small things. May those small things be the reason to praise & exalt God.

“Those who don’t compromise in small things, will never compromise in big things.”

God bless you
Ps. Sonakshi Jeevan Dhale

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