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College overview

Reaching the lost International Bible College was started on 10th October 2016 after time of brokenness and earnest prayers. This vision was given very clearly to train men and women to be Revivalist. Our Desire is to raise a generation who will be trained to be effective Revivalists also equipping them in fivefold ministry for the glory of God. As God’s word clearly encourages, ‘Do not despise the days of small beginnings’ so this is seen in the beginning of our Bible College. This Vision was started with Faith and prayers of our Friends and Family. We started with almost nothing but God is faithful who has been good to us and provided all our needs in bringing students from different parts of India. We thank God that our Bible College is a family that cares for our students and personally encourages and uplifts them to understand the will of God for their lives. This College has given itself completely to serve everyone that comes and to stand with them even after they graduate and go out in the Field.


Many who have graduated are serving God in their fullest potential. And have pioneered new ministries that are changing many lives.

Raising Revivalists in these last days for the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit