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A Father that completes you

Our sermons

A Father that completes you

Our Heavenly father can complete you. 2 Corinthians 6:18- I will be your father and you will be my sons and daughters. FATHER IS NOT A TITLE ITS A CALLING FROM GOD Meaning of father in greek is Patayr which means the one who impacts your life from physical birth to the gift of new life with continuation of the sanctification in your life. Heavenly father has following qualities of the father which will complete us- 1. He is an encouraging father 2. He greatly loves us 3. He gives us power of Holy Spirit 4. He has completely forgiven us 5. He impacts our life Today let nothing stop you to become a father that God desires to make you. God will help you to become what he wants to make you so that your children will see God in you. They will be attracted to the heavenly father through your life. Let your life greatly impact your children.

Raising Revivalists in these last days for the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit